fork download
  1. #include <xc.h>
  2. #define _XTAL_FREQ 10000000
  3. #define K1 RB0
  4. #define K2 RB1
  5. #define L1 RB4
  7. void INIT_PortB()
  8. {
  9. TRISB = 0x03;
  10. PORTB = 0x00;
  11. }
  13. void main()
  14. {
  15. unsigned char compt;
  16. INIT_PortB();
  17. compt = 0x00;
  19. while(1)
  20. {
  21. if (!K1)
  22. {
  23. PORTB = compt << 4;
  24. __delay_ms(1000);
  25. compt++;
  27. if (!K2 && compt > 9)
  28. {
  29. compt = 0;
  30. }
  31. else if (K2 && compt > 15)
  32. {
  33. compt = 0;
  34. }
  35. }
  36. else
  37. {
  38. RB1=RB2=RB3=0 ;
  39. L1 = 1;
  40. __delay_ms(500);
  41. L1 = 0;
  42. __delay_ms(500);
  43. }
  44. }
  45. }
  47. import io
  48. import argparse
  49. import sys
  50. import os
  51. try:
  52. import serial
  53. except ImportError:
  54. print "Could not import python serial"
  55. try:
  56. import can
  57. except ImportError:
  58. print "Could not import python CAN"
  60. canopenshell_loc = '/home/super/canfestival/CanFestival-3-a82d867e7850/examples/CANOpenShell/CANOpenShell'
  61. cansocket_loc = '/home/super/canfestival/CanFestival-3-a82d867e7850/drivers/can_socket/'
  63. bootloader_cmd = {"READ_ID":0x09,"WRITE_PM":0x03,"ACK":0x01,"NACK":0x00,"RESET":0x08}
  65. def open_port(device = '/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=115200):
  66. '''
  67. Opens a serial port and returns its handle.
  68. '''
  69. return serial.Serial(device,baudrate)
  71. def read_id(port):
  72. '''
  73. Reads the device id and revision of the uC.
  74. '''
  75. port.write(bytearray([bootloader_cmd["READ_ID"]]))
  76. tmp =
  77. dev_id = tmp[1::-1].encode('hex') #endianness
  78. dev_revision = tmp[5:3:-1].encode('hex')
  79. return dev_id, dev_revision
  81. def parse_hex(hex_file,memory):
  82. '''
  83. Parses a hex file (provided as a list of strings) and copies its contents to a memory object.
  84. '''
  85. ext_address = 0
  86. for line in hex_file:
  87. #parse format
  88. byte_count = int(line[1:3],base=16)
  89. address = int(line[3:7],base=16)
  90. record_type = int(line[7:9],base=16)
  91. if(record_type==1):
  92. print "EOF record"
  93. elif(record_type==4):
  94. print "Extended address"
  95. ext_address = int(line[9:13],base=16)<<16
  96. elif(record_type==0):
  97. address = (ext_address+address)/2
  98. #for i in xrange(bytecount)
  99. print "data: %d bytes at address %d \t %.5x"%(byte_count,address,address)
  100. #instruction "==4bytes 00xxxxxx" per iteration
  101. for i in xrange(byte_count/4):
  102. cur_address = address+i*2#addresses increase in steps of two
  103. opcode_little_endian = line[9+i*8:9+(i+1)*8]
  104. opcode = opcode_little_endian[6:8]+opcode_little_endian[4:6]+opcode_little_endian[2:4]+opcode_little_endian[0:2]
  105. opcode_num = int(opcode,base=16)
  106. print "address: %.6x opcode: %.6x"%(cur_address,opcode_num)
  107. memory.write(cur_address,(0,(opcode_num>>16)&0xFF,(opcode_num>>8)&0xFF,opcode_num&0xFF))
  109. def load_hex_file(file_name):
  110. '''
  111. Opens a hex file and loads its contents into a list.
  112. '''
  113. f = open(file_name,'rb')
  114. hex_file = [l for l in f]
  115. f.close()
  116. return hex_file
  118. def program_uc(memory,dev_id,port):
  119. #read device id
  120. dev_id_r, dev_rev_r = read_id(port)
  121. if(int(dev_id_r,base=16)==dev_id):
  122. print "device IDs match %s"%dev_id_r
  123. else:
  124. raise "device IDs do not match %x - %s"%(dev_id,dev_id_r)
  125. #get pages to program
  126. pic_mem, pic_mem_addr = memory.data_to_transmit()
  127. for i, idx in enumerate(pic_mem_addr):
  128. print "programming page %d/%d: \t %.6x"%(i,pic_mem_addr.shape[0],idx)
  129. #send program page command
  130. port.write(bytearray([bootloader_cmd["WRITE_PM"]]))
  131. time.sleep(0.01)
  132. #send address
  133. port.write(bytearray([idx&0xFF,(idx>>8)&0xFF,(idx>>16)&0xFF])) #little endian
  134. #send page data
  135. for j in xrange(pic_mem.shape[1]):
  136. port.write(bytearray([pic_mem[i,j,2]])) #little endian
  137. port.write(bytearray([pic_mem[i,j,1]]))
  138. port.write(bytearray([pic_mem[i,j,0]]))
  139. #read acknowledgment
  140. reply = ord(
  141. if(reply==bootloader_cmd["ACK"]):
  142. print "success"
  143. else:
  144. print "failed: %x"%reply
  145. break
  147. print "programming complete, resetting microcontroller"
  148. #send reset command
  149. time.sleep(0.01)
  150. port.write(bytearray([bootloader_cmd["RESET"]]))
  152. def write_uC_code_memory(memory,dev_id,fname):
  153. '''
  154. Writes the microcontroller program memory (non-zero) to a file.
  155. The resulting file can be programmed using the CANOpen bootloader.
  156. '''
  157. #write header
  158. #byte 0 uint8 magic byte (0x00 = program memory)
  159. #byte 1-2 uint16 number of lines in file
  160. #byte 3-6 uint32 device id
  161. #byte 7-N page to program (lines)
  162. # byte 0 uint8 magic byte (0x00 = write page to uC memory)
  163. # byte 1-2 uint16 number of instructions on page
  164. # byte 3-5 uint24 page address
  165. # byte 6-8,9-11...uint24 instructions to program
  166. #read device id
  167. with io.FileIO(fname,'w') as stream:
  168. stream.write(bytearray([0x00])) #magic byte
  170. pic_mem, pic_mem_addr = memory.data_to_transmit()
  171. stream.write(bytearray([pic_mem.shape[0]>>8,pic_mem.shape[0]&0xFF])) #number of lines
  173. stream.write(bytearray([dev_id>>24,(dev_id>>16)&0xFF,(dev_id>>8)&0xFF,(dev_id)&0xFF])) #dev id
  175. #program memory lines
  176. for i, idx in enumerate(pic_mem_addr):
  177. print "writing program page %d/%d: \t %.6x"%(i,pic_mem_addr.shape[0],idx)
  178. stream.write(bytearray([0x00]))
  179. stream.write(bytearray([0x04,0x00]))#1024 instructions per page
  180. stream.write(bytearray([idx&0xFF,(idx>>8)&0xFF,(idx>>16)&0xFF])) #page address little endian
  181. #send page data
  182. for j in xrange(pic_mem.shape[1]):
  183. stream.write(bytearray([pic_mem[i,j,2]])) #little endian
  184. stream.write(bytearray([pic_mem[i,j,1]]))
  185. stream.write(bytearray([pic_mem[i,j,0]]))
  187. class pic_memory(object):
  188. def __init__(self,num_pages=171):
  189. = np.zeros((num_pages*1024,4),dtype=np.uint8) #just one big continuous chunk of memory. Note that addresses increase in steps of two
  190. self.tags = np.zeros(num_pages,dtype=np.uint8) #0 = empty, 1 = dirty program memory
  192. def write(self, address, data):#data is assumed to be in the format phantombyte(0) 23..16 15..8 7..0
  193. '''
  194. Stores an instruction in the memory object.
  195. Data is supposed to be a list/array of 4 uint8s (bytes). The first is a phantom byte (0).
  196. '''
  197. address=int(address) #just to make sure
  198. mem_address = address>>1 #addresses increase in steps of two
  199. page_address = mem_address>>10
  200. self.tags[page_address] = 1#mark as dirty
  201.[mem_address] = data
  203. def data_to_transmit(self):
  204. '''
  205. Creates a list of dirty pages to transmit to the microcontroller.
  206. Returns a numpy uint8 array (N by 1024 by 3, no phantom byte uint8) and a numpy array of page addresses (uint).
  207. '''
  208. N = np.sum(self.tags==1)
  209. pic_mem = np.zeros((N,1024,3),dtype=np.uint8)
  210. pic_mem_addr = np.where(self.tags==1)[0]<<11 #multiply addresses by 2048 (1024 instructions in steps of two)
  211. for i, idx in enumerate(pic_mem_addr):
  212. pic_mem[i] =[idx>>1:(idx>>1)+1024,1:]
  213. return pic_mem, pic_mem_addr
  215. def set_boot_address(self,address=0x800):
  216. '''
  217. Changes the goto instruction that is executed when the uC boots up.
  218. Address should be an unsigned int.
  219. '''
  220. self.write(0x0,(0x00,0x04,(address>>8)&0xFF,address&0xFE)) #0x0004 is a GOTO instruction ( page 196)
  221. self.write(0x2,(0x00,0x00,0x00,(address>>16)&0x7F))
  223. def open_can_bus(busname='can0'):
  224. return can.interface.Bus(busname)
  226. def upload_code_canopen_raw(memory, node_id, bus):
  227. '''
  228. Upload the program memory over CAN to a microcontroller by using raw CANopen messages.
  229. This code does NOT check for errors and should only be used for testing purposes.
  230. '''
  231. pic_mem, pic_mem_addr = memory.data_to_transmit()
  232. #reset uC
  233. print "Python hack resetting the microcontroller"
  234. msg = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x0,data=[129,node_id],extended_id=False)
  235. bus.send(msg)
  236. time.sleep(1) #wait a bit for the uC to reset
  237. #send data
  238. for i, idx in enumerate(pic_mem_addr):
  239. print "Writing program page using python hack %d/%d: \t %.6x"%(i,pic_mem_addr.shape[0],idx)
  240. #SDO download initiate
  241. msg = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x600+node_id,data=[0b00100001,0x50,0x1F,0x01,0,0,0,0],extended_id=False)
  242. bus.send(msg)
  243. time.sleep(0.05)
  244. data = []
  246. data.extend([idx&0xFF,(idx>>8)&0xFF,(idx>>16)&0xFF]) #page address little endian
  247. for j in xrange(pic_mem.shape[1]):
  248. data.extend([pic_mem[i,j,2]]) #little endian
  249. data.extend([pic_mem[i,j,1]])
  250. data.extend([pic_mem[i,j,0]])
  252. toggle = 0
  253. j = 0
  254. last_msg = 0
  255. num_bytes = len(data)
  256. while(not last_msg):
  257. #There are way more efficient ways of doing this, but it's just a hack
  258. data_msg = np.zeros(7,dtype=np.uint8)
  259. n = 0
  260. for k in xrange(7):
  261. if(j+k>=num_bytes):
  262. last_msg = 1
  263. n = 7-k
  264. break
  265. else:
  266. data_msg[k] = data[j+k]
  267. msg = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x600+node_id,data=[toggle<<4|n<<1|last_msg,data_msg[0],data_msg[1],data_msg[2],data_msg[3],data_msg[4],data_msg[5],data_msg[6]],extended_id=False)
  268. bus.send(msg)
  269. toggle = not toggle
  270. j+=7
  272. time.sleep(0.1)
  273. #start uC
  274. msg = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x0,data=[1,node_id],extended_id=False)
  275. bus.send(msg)
  278. if __name__ == "__main__":
  279. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='dsPIC33E bootloader with support for CAN (CANopen) and UART',epilog="Ken Caluwaerts <> 2014")
  280. parser.add_argument("--interface","-i",choices=["UART","CAN"],default="CAN",help="Hardware interface: CAN or UART. Default CAN.")
  281. parser.add_argument("--output","-o",type=str,help="Output: the filename of the generated binary file in case CAN is used (default == input filename.bin), the hardware interface in case of UART (default /dev/ttyUSB0)",default=None)
  282. parser.add_argument("--devid","-d",default=0x1f65,type=int,help="Device id (write as decimal number, e.g. 0x1f65 should be written as 8037). Default 0x1F65.")
  283. parser.add_argument("--bootaddress","-b",type=int,default=0x800,help="Bootloader address (write as decimal number, e.g. 0x800 should be written as 2048). Default 0x800.")
  284. parser.add_argument("--donotmodifybootaddress","-a", action="store_true", help="Do not modify boot address of the HEX file. (Default: modify).")
  285. parser.add_argument("--baudrate","-r",type=int,default=115200,help="UART baudrate (Default: 115200)")
  286. parser.add_argument("--uploadcan","-u",action="store_true",help="Uploads the firmware over CAN (see --canuploadmethod to define the implementation)")
  287. parser.add_argument("--canuploadmethod","-m",choices=["CANfestival","python"],default="CANfestival",help="How to upload firmware over CAN (if -u enabled). Using CANopen and CANfestival ('CANfestival') or raw python CAN messages ('python'). (Default: 'CANfestival')")
  288. parser.add_argument("--nodeid","-n",type=int, default=3,help="CANopen node ID (see --uploadcan). (Default: 3)")
  289. parser.add_argument("--canbus","-c",type=str,default="can0", help="Which can bus to use (only relevant when -u and -m python are active) (Default: 'can0')")
  290. parser.add_argument("hexfile",type=str,help="Input HEX file (typically generated by MPLAB X)")
  291. try:
  292. args = parser.parse_args()
  293. except:
  294. print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
  295. parser.print_help()
  296. sys.exit(-1)
  298. boot_address = args.bootaddress
  299. dev_id = args.devid
  300. fname = args.hexfile
  301. iface = args.interface
  302. output = args.output
  303. modify_boot_address = not args.donotmodifybootaddress
  304. baudrate = args.baudrate
  305. uploadcan = args.uploadcan
  306. node_id = args.nodeid
  307. canuploadmethod = args.canuploadmethod
  308. canbus = args.canbus
  309. if(iface=="UART"):
  310. #UART
  311. hex_file = load_hex_file(fname)
  312. memory = pic_memory()
  313. parse_hex(hex_file,memory)
  314. if(modify_boot_address):
  315. print "Modifying boot address"
  316. memory.set_boot_address(boot_address)
  317. if(output is None):
  318. output="/dev/ttyUSB0"
  319. print "Opening serial port"
  320. port = open_port(output,baudrate)
  321. print "Programming microcontroller"
  322. program_uc(memory,dev_id,port)
  323. else:
  324. #CAN
  325. hex_file = load_hex_file(fname)
  326. memory = pic_memory()
  327. parse_hex(hex_file,memory)
  328. if(modify_boot_address):
  329. print "Modifying boot address"
  330. memory.set_boot_address(boot_address)
  331. if(output is None):
  332. output=os.path.splitext(fname)[0]+".bin"
  333. print "Writing program memory to file (%s)"%output
  334. write_uC_code_memory(memory,dev_id,output)
  335. if(uploadcan):
  336. if(canuploadmethod=="CANfestival"):
  337. import subprocess
  338.[canopenshell_loc, 'load#%s,can0,1000,2,0'%cansocket_loc, 'srst#3', 'wait#1', 'bldr#%d,%s'%(node_id,output), 'ssta#3', 'wait#5', 'quit'])
  339. else:
  340. bus = open_can_bus(canbus)
  341. upload_code_canopen_raw(memory, node_id, bus)
Success #stdin #stdout 0.03s 25728KB
Standard input is empty
#include <xc.h>
#define _XTAL_FREQ 10000000
#define K1 RB0
#define K2 RB1
#define L1 RB4

void INIT_PortB()
    TRISB = 0x03;
    PORTB = 0x00;

void main()
    unsigned char compt;  
    compt = 0x00;

        if (!K1)
            PORTB = compt << 4;

            if (!K2 && compt > 9)
                compt = 0;
            else if (K2 && compt > 15)
                compt = 0;
            RB1=RB2=RB3=0 ;
            L1 = 1;
            L1 = 0;

import io
import argparse
import sys
import os
	import serial
except ImportError:
	print "Could not import python serial"
	import can
except ImportError:
	print "Could not import python CAN"

canopenshell_loc = '/home/super/canfestival/CanFestival-3-a82d867e7850/examples/CANOpenShell/CANOpenShell'
cansocket_loc = '/home/super/canfestival/CanFestival-3-a82d867e7850/drivers/can_socket/'

bootloader_cmd = {"READ_ID":0x09,"WRITE_PM":0x03,"ACK":0x01,"NACK":0x00,"RESET":0x08}

def open_port(device = '/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=115200):
		Opens a serial port and returns its handle.
	return serial.Serial(device,baudrate)

def read_id(port):
		Reads the device id and revision of the uC.
	tmp =
	dev_id = tmp[1::-1].encode('hex') #endianness
	dev_revision = tmp[5:3:-1].encode('hex')
	return dev_id, dev_revision
def parse_hex(hex_file,memory):
		Parses a hex file (provided as a list of strings) and copies its contents to a memory object.
	ext_address = 0
	for line in hex_file:
		#parse format
		byte_count = int(line[1:3],base=16)
		address = int(line[3:7],base=16)
		record_type = int(line[7:9],base=16)
			print "EOF record"
			print "Extended address"
			ext_address = int(line[9:13],base=16)<<16
			address = (ext_address+address)/2
			#for i in xrange(bytecount)
			print "data: %d bytes at address %d \t %.5x"%(byte_count,address,address)
			#instruction "==4bytes 00xxxxxx" per iteration 
			for i in xrange(byte_count/4):
				cur_address = address+i*2#addresses increase in steps of two
				opcode_little_endian = line[9+i*8:9+(i+1)*8]
				opcode = opcode_little_endian[6:8]+opcode_little_endian[4:6]+opcode_little_endian[2:4]+opcode_little_endian[0:2]
				opcode_num = int(opcode,base=16)
				print "address: %.6x opcode: %.6x"%(cur_address,opcode_num)
def load_hex_file(file_name):
		Opens a hex file and loads its contents into a list.
	f = open(file_name,'rb')
	hex_file = [l for l in f]
	return hex_file
def program_uc(memory,dev_id,port):
	#read device id
	dev_id_r, dev_rev_r = read_id(port)
		print "device IDs match %s"%dev_id_r
		raise "device IDs do not match %x - %s"%(dev_id,dev_id_r)
	#get pages to program
	pic_mem, pic_mem_addr = memory.data_to_transmit()
	for i, idx in enumerate(pic_mem_addr):
		print "programming page %d/%d: \t %.6x"%(i,pic_mem_addr.shape[0],idx)
		#send program page command
		#send address
		port.write(bytearray([idx&0xFF,(idx>>8)&0xFF,(idx>>16)&0xFF])) #little endian
		#send page data
		for j in xrange(pic_mem.shape[1]):
			port.write(bytearray([pic_mem[i,j,2]])) #little endian
		#read acknowledgment
		reply = ord(		
			print "success"
			print "failed: %x"%reply
	print "programming complete, resetting microcontroller"
	#send reset command
def write_uC_code_memory(memory,dev_id,fname):
		Writes the microcontroller program memory (non-zero) to a file.
		The resulting file can be programmed using the CANOpen bootloader.
	#write header
	#byte 0		uint8		magic byte (0x00 = program memory)
	#byte 1-2	uint16		number of lines in file
	#byte 3-6	uint32		device id
	#byte 7-N			page to program (lines)
	#				byte 0		uint8	magic byte (0x00 = write page to uC memory)
	#				byte 1-2	uint16	number of instructions on page 
	#				byte 3-5	uint24	page address	
	#				byte 6-8,9-11...uint24	instructions to program		
	#read device id
	with io.FileIO(fname,'w') as stream:
		stream.write(bytearray([0x00])) #magic byte
		pic_mem, pic_mem_addr = memory.data_to_transmit()
		stream.write(bytearray([pic_mem.shape[0]>>8,pic_mem.shape[0]&0xFF])) #number of lines
		stream.write(bytearray([dev_id>>24,(dev_id>>16)&0xFF,(dev_id>>8)&0xFF,(dev_id)&0xFF])) #dev id
		#program memory lines
		for i, idx in enumerate(pic_mem_addr):
			print "writing program page %d/%d: \t %.6x"%(i,pic_mem_addr.shape[0],idx)
			stream.write(bytearray([0x04,0x00]))#1024 instructions per page
			stream.write(bytearray([idx&0xFF,(idx>>8)&0xFF,(idx>>16)&0xFF])) #page address little endian
			#send page data
			for j in xrange(pic_mem.shape[1]):
				stream.write(bytearray([pic_mem[i,j,2]])) #little endian
class pic_memory(object):
	def __init__(self,num_pages=171): = np.zeros((num_pages*1024,4),dtype=np.uint8) #just one big continuous chunk of memory. Note that addresses increase in steps of two
		self.tags = np.zeros(num_pages,dtype=np.uint8) #0 = empty, 1 = dirty program memory
	def write(self, address, data):#data is assumed to be in the format phantombyte(0) 23..16 15..8 7..0
			Stores an instruction in the memory object.
			Data is supposed to be a list/array of 4 uint8s (bytes). The first is a phantom byte (0).
		address=int(address) #just to make sure
		mem_address = address>>1 #addresses increase in steps of two
		page_address = mem_address>>10
		self.tags[page_address] = 1#mark as dirty[mem_address] = data
	def data_to_transmit(self):
			Creates a list of dirty pages to transmit to the microcontroller.
			Returns a numpy uint8 array (N by 1024 by 3, no phantom byte uint8) and a numpy array of page addresses (uint).
		N = np.sum(self.tags==1)
		pic_mem = np.zeros((N,1024,3),dtype=np.uint8)
		pic_mem_addr = np.where(self.tags==1)[0]<<11 #multiply addresses by 2048 (1024 instructions in steps of two)
		for i, idx in enumerate(pic_mem_addr):
			pic_mem[i] =[idx>>1:(idx>>1)+1024,1:]
		return pic_mem, pic_mem_addr
	def set_boot_address(self,address=0x800):
			Changes the goto instruction that is executed when the uC boots up.
			Address should be an unsigned int.
		self.write(0x0,(0x00,0x04,(address>>8)&0xFF,address&0xFE)) #0x0004 is a GOTO instruction ( page 196)
def open_can_bus(busname='can0'):
	return can.interface.Bus(busname)

def upload_code_canopen_raw(memory, node_id, bus):
		Upload the program memory over CAN to a microcontroller by using raw CANopen messages.
		This code does NOT check for errors and should only be used for testing purposes.
	pic_mem, pic_mem_addr = memory.data_to_transmit()
	#reset uC
	print "Python hack resetting the microcontroller"
	msg = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x0,data=[129,node_id],extended_id=False)
	time.sleep(1) #wait a bit for the uC to reset
	#send data
	for i, idx in enumerate(pic_mem_addr):
		print "Writing program page using python hack %d/%d: \t %.6x"%(i,pic_mem_addr.shape[0],idx)
		#SDO download initiate
		msg = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x600+node_id,data=[0b00100001,0x50,0x1F,0x01,0,0,0,0],extended_id=False)
		data = []
		data.extend([idx&0xFF,(idx>>8)&0xFF,(idx>>16)&0xFF]) #page address little endian
		for j in xrange(pic_mem.shape[1]):
			data.extend([pic_mem[i,j,2]]) #little endian
		toggle = 0
		j = 0
		last_msg = 0
		num_bytes = len(data)
		while(not last_msg):
			#There are way more efficient ways of doing this, but it's just a hack
			data_msg = np.zeros(7,dtype=np.uint8)
			n = 0
			for k in xrange(7):
					last_msg = 1
					n = 7-k
					data_msg[k] = data[j+k] 
			msg = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x600+node_id,data=[toggle<<4|n<<1|last_msg,data_msg[0],data_msg[1],data_msg[2],data_msg[3],data_msg[4],data_msg[5],data_msg[6]],extended_id=False)
			toggle = not toggle
	#start uC
	msg = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x0,data=[1,node_id],extended_id=False)

if __name__ == "__main__":
	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='dsPIC33E bootloader with support for CAN (CANopen) and UART',epilog="Ken Caluwaerts <> 2014")
	parser.add_argument("--interface","-i",choices=["UART","CAN"],default="CAN",help="Hardware interface: CAN or UART. Default CAN.")
	parser.add_argument("--output","-o",type=str,help="Output: the filename of the generated binary file in case CAN is used (default == input filename.bin), the hardware interface in case of UART (default /dev/ttyUSB0)",default=None)
	parser.add_argument("--devid","-d",default=0x1f65,type=int,help="Device id (write as decimal number, e.g. 0x1f65 should be written as 8037). Default 0x1F65.")
	parser.add_argument("--bootaddress","-b",type=int,default=0x800,help="Bootloader address (write as decimal number, e.g. 0x800 should be written as 2048). Default 0x800.")
	parser.add_argument("--donotmodifybootaddress","-a", action="store_true", help="Do not modify boot address of the HEX file. (Default: modify).")
	parser.add_argument("--baudrate","-r",type=int,default=115200,help="UART baudrate (Default: 115200)")
	parser.add_argument("--uploadcan","-u",action="store_true",help="Uploads the firmware over CAN (see --canuploadmethod to define the implementation)")
	parser.add_argument("--canuploadmethod","-m",choices=["CANfestival","python"],default="CANfestival",help="How to upload firmware over CAN (if -u enabled). Using CANopen and CANfestival ('CANfestival') or raw python CAN messages ('python'). (Default: 'CANfestival')")
	parser.add_argument("--nodeid","-n",type=int, default=3,help="CANopen node ID (see --uploadcan). (Default: 3)")
	parser.add_argument("--canbus","-c",type=str,default="can0", help="Which can bus to use (only relevant when -u and -m python are active) (Default: 'can0')")
	parser.add_argument("hexfile",type=str,help="Input HEX file (typically generated by MPLAB X)")
		args = parser.parse_args()
		print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
	boot_address = args.bootaddress
	dev_id = args.devid
	fname = args.hexfile
	iface = args.interface
	output = args.output
	modify_boot_address = not args.donotmodifybootaddress
	baudrate = args.baudrate
	uploadcan = args.uploadcan
	node_id = args.nodeid
	canuploadmethod = args.canuploadmethod
	canbus = args.canbus
		hex_file = load_hex_file(fname)
		memory = pic_memory()
			print "Modifying boot address"
		if(output is None):
		print "Opening serial port"
		port = open_port(output,baudrate)
		print "Programming microcontroller"
		hex_file = load_hex_file(fname)
		memory = pic_memory()
			print "Modifying boot address"
		if(output is None):
		print "Writing program memory to file (%s)"%output
				import subprocess[canopenshell_loc, 'load#%s,can0,1000,2,0'%cansocket_loc, 'srst#3', 'wait#1', 'bldr#%d,%s'%(node_id,output), 'ssta#3', 'wait#5', 'quit'])
				bus = open_can_bus(canbus)
				upload_code_canopen_raw(memory, node_id, bus)